February 15, 2025


More Background on Water Crisis prior to Public Hearing on March 4

Dear Friends,

Here is more information on the technical concerns about Fallsburg’s water situation. We are

sharing it in advance of the Town Board Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 4, on the changes in

the zoning laws, which would put even more stress on our water resources.

In 1982, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with New York State Department of Health,

Bureau of Public Water Supply Protection conducted a study “Atlas of Eleven Selected Aquifers

in New York. This study is 247 pages and very detailed. Attached is one page titled South

Fallsburg-Woodbourne Area.

Fallsburg’s Future and other community organizations have been asking the Town Board to

undertake a study of the Town’s aquifer. Last year we gave the Town Supervisor and each Board

member copies of the Delaware River Basin Commission reports. The Commission report, dated

February 9, 2022, states:

The docket holder’s { Town of Fallsburg } projected peak day and monthly demands exceed the

system’s combined well capacity and allocation approved by this docket. The docket holder shall

conduct a groundwater availability assessment to determine the extent and capacity of the

aquifer{s} in the area that may be utilized for additional water supply. The results of the

assessment shall be submitted to the Commission within three years of approval date of this

docket. The assessment shall provide information relating to the extent and water supply

capability of the aquifer{s}, a hydrologic water budget, update water demand projection, and a

plan and schedule of the development of additional sources determined to be necessary to meet

the future water demands.”;

We just learned from David Kovach, Project Review Manager at DRBC, that the Town has not

submitted the required groundwater assessment which has a March 9 deadline. He said that

he has sent at least two reminders for Town compliance to support their request for increased

water allocation.

The Town of Fallsburg is about to make major changes to the zoning regulations that were

established in the Town’s 2018 Comprehensive Plan. Among these changes are areas of

farmland, now zoned “Ag” for Agricultural land, that would be open to building “for Religious


If the Town Board adopts these zoning changes as written without further study of the impact

these changes will have on the Town’s infrastructure and its aquifer, hundreds of private wells in

the Town could go dry, we would face the huge cost of building a new wastewater treatment

plant, the increase in your property taxes, NYSEG’s ability to provide electric power. Our

struggling farmers could lose their wells, costing them thousands of dollars to replace. Not to

mention the increased traffic on dangerous rural roads. The list goes on.

There is a Public Hearing at the Hurleyville Performing Arts Center on March 4 at 6 p.m. We are

asking the Town to ensure that Zoom facilities are available for residents who cannot make it to

Hurleyville. You can still express your concerns to the Town Board. Your comments should be

in writing, so they are included in the public meeting minutes. Call the Board Member who you

may know. Tell him/her what your concerns are.

Fallsburg’s Future is a community network of concerned Fallsburg residents established in

January 2016. Its Mission is to help guide the urban development of the town of Fallsburg and

its five hamlets, to promote its sustainable economic development, protect the fragile beauty of

its natural habitats and enhance the opportunities and quality of life for all its residents and

visitors. We hope to curb the suburban sprawl that is threatening to overwhelm the town’s

physical infrastructure and destroy the natural beauty that the area depends on for its future

development. See us on Facebook and our website Fallsburgsfuture.com. If you want others to

be on our mailing list, send their names and emails to office@fallsburgsfuture.com. You can also

post your comments on our Facebook page at Fallsburg’s Future as well.